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Queen Esther stood at a crossroads... afraid, uncertain, yet filled with faith. In her moment of desperation, she turned to God in prayer, acknowledging her weakness but placing her full hope in His power. She did not rely on her own strength but surrendered completely, trusting that God would provide.
This week, we are reflecting on hope in trials. Like Esther, I'm sure you have faced moments where fear and difficulty threaten to overwhelm you. Trials may come in the form of personal struggles, relationships, or uncertain futures, but you are not alone. True hope is not the absence of struggle; it is the unwavering trust that God is with you in the struggle. When you surrender your worries to Him, you open the door for His grace to work in ways beyond your imagination.
Let Us Pray
Lord, in moments of fear and uncertainty, help me to be like Esther, to turn to You with a heart full of trust. Strengthen me to act with courage, knowing that my hope is not in my own strength but in Your power and love. In the trials I face, remind me that You are always near, working for my good. I surrender my worries to You and walk forward in faith, believing that Your grace is enough. Amen.
HOPE For Your Health: Strengthening Discipline

This week, as you extend your daily fast to 13 hours, consider tying an intention to your fasting as Esther did. Offer your hunger as a sacrifice for a specific need: a loved one who is struggling, a deeper trust in God’s plan, or even for growth in your own patience and virtue. When you unite your fasting with prayer, it becomes a powerful offering of hope.
What is Autophagy?
Autophagy, literally meaning "self-eating," is your body's natural way of cleaning out damaged cells, recycling cellular components, and making way for new, healthier cells. Think of it as a deep-cleaning process for your body at the cellular level, helping to maintain optimal function and longevity.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Activate Autophagy?
When you fast for 12-16 hours (or longer), your body runs out of readily available glucose and starts breaking down old cells for energy. This process triggers autophagy and enhances cellular repair. The longer the fast, the deeper the autophagy effect.
Why Should You Activate Autophagy?
Cellular Renewal & Anti-Aging: Autophagy removes old, dysfunctional cells and replaces them with fresh, healthy ones. This process slows down aging and helps prevent degenerative diseases.
Reduced Inflammation & Disease Prevention: By eliminating damaged cell components, autophagy reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, which are linked to conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
Boosted Metabolism & Fat Burning: When fasting, your body switches from burning glucose to burning fat for fuel. This metabolic shift enhances autophagy and helps with weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and overall metabolic health.
How to Maximize Autophagy While Fasting
Fast for at Least 12-16 Hours: Autophagy starts to increase significantly around the 16-hour mark. (We'll get there!)
Exercise in a Fasted State: Light movement, such as walking or strength training, can enhance autophagy.
Avoid Processed Foods & Sugar: Eating clean during your eating window helps your body maximize the benefits of fasting.
By incorporating intermittent fasting, you are not just improving your metabolism, you are helping your body regenerate, repair, and stay healthier for the long run!
HOPE For Your Marriage:
Listening and Speaking with Love

Queen Esther faced uncertainty and fear, yet instead of relying on her own strength, she turned to God in prayer. Her hope was not in immediate solutions but in God's faithfulness. In marriage, you too experience trials: misunderstandings, seasons of distance, or the weight of life's demands. In these moments, you can choose to respond with frustration or, like Esther, with faith and trust in God’s providence.
One of the greatest ways to cultivate hope in your marriage is through how you communicate. When challenges arise, do you listen with an open heart, seeking to understand your spouse? Do you speak with love, offering words that build up rather than tear down? Hope in marriage is strengthened when you choose to listen well, speak with kindness, and trust that God is working even in difficult seasons.
Before speaking today, take a moment to pause and reflect: Is what I’m about to say true, kind, and necessary? Make it a goal to speak words that encourage, uplift, and strengthen your marriage. Whether it’s through a compliment, an expression of gratitude, or a simple “I love you,” let your words be a source of hope for your spouse.
Today's recipe is a family favorite comfort food "casserole" that we have been making for almost 20 years! It is highly requested for birthdays and Fridays in Lent. I made this yesterday for our daughter's birthday and with only 2 kids left in the house, there are a lot of leftovers that will serve us well through the weekend.
Click above to go to the recipe. This is NOT your average tuna casserole.
There are times in every life when we find ourselves in situations
of trial and difficulty, either affecting us or someone we love.
We can do nothing.
However much we turn things over and examine
them from every angle, there is no solution.
The feeling of being helpless and powerless is a painful trial,
especially when it concerns someone close to us:
to see someone we love in difficulties without being able to help
is one of the bitterest sufferings there is.
~Fr. Jacques Philippe
